MYMEDITATION™ — Click here to find a class hear you —>
What is Meditation?
Meditation is a largely misunderstood practice. Many people believe they cannot meditate. The truth is, we cannot NOT meditate. We all meditate every day, naturally, and without being consciously aware of it. Because - meditation is an natural function of the body - much like breathing and going to sleep.
Meditation is something you already do without consciously thinking about it. Therefore… meditation is easy.
The problem is, when we are not meditating consciously, we are meditating unconsciously.
And when we are meditating unconsciously, we are meditating without purpose - without intent. The results of our unconscious meditations show up in our lives on a daily basis. Struggles, conflict, stress, anxiety, tension, financial difficulties, relationship problems, physical ailments, and more.
It is a well known fact that people who meditate consciously and have a regular meditation practice have a better quality of life, better relationships, less anxiety and stress, improved health and an overall sense of well being, and so much more.
MYMEDITATION™ is more than just a guided visualization, a class to teach you to stare at a flame for an hour or a guru in the front of the room chanting OM while you join in, seated in an uncomfortable cross-legged yoga pose. Don’t get me wrong. All of those things can form part of your MYMEDITATION™ practice. However, none of them is actually “meditation” in and of themselves.
MYMEDITATION™ is an 8 part series designed to introduce you to the practice of meditation, educate you on what mediation is and what it is not, provide you with a variety of meditative practices to experience, for yourself, the power of mediation and, when you find something that works for you, make it your own.
How do I develop my MYMEDITATION™ practice?
The key to developing your MYMEDITATION™ practice is to learn how to consciously control your meditative state, which I will teach you in this program, and within that state, direct your focus with intent and for a desired outcome - a purpose - to serve you.
Join us for MYMEDITATION™ and learn how to consciously enter into a meditative state, explore different styles of meditation and find what resonates with you. Develop a meditation practice that is uniquely yours, that you will want to practice and that will form part of your life naturally effortlessly and fully integrated into who you are and who you are becoming, through your MYMEDITATION™ practice.
I look forward to welcoming you to MYMEDITATION™ 🙏
With gratitude,